Saturday, June 30, 2012

Leaving the legacy...

We all have felt like Sisyphus.  Pushing the boulder up a steep hill, which increases in both slope and weight. As a father of three (and an influence on another important child in my life), I don't ever want my children to feel like that.  I can't always be there for them and I shouldn't be.  They need to learn through their own struggles.  When I was in Boy Scouts, I went to both the Handbook and the Fieldbook continuously. The point I went when I need to do in the act of utilizing reference.  I don't pretend as though I know a tremendous amount of information which could be deemed as useful; but it is amazing what you accumulate after living 40 plus years.  I have created "Life Handbook" binders for each of my children. Each year, I write a letter to each child, summarizing our experiences after one year.  To document our growth, goals and life.  The content of the book is a compilation of the things I think they may need to know in life. I make photocopies from magazines and books.   Notes and writings from my personal life that I have found useful.  Topics range from how to identify birds, how to handle emergencies, how to apply and interview for a job, what records, film and books I am inspired by, how to date, to find a mate, how to respect others, auto maintenance, etc.  This guide will never substitute real experience and what life dishes out.  It is not meant as a substitute, but as I have said before, a reference.  I don't have many good ideas in my life, but I am very happy with this one. I think one day my kids will really appreciate it.  It is a way to make another connection with them.  To leave a portion of legacy.  To have them avoid the Sisyphean situations as much as possible


Friday, July 1, 2011

The point

My vision for this project is to be a literal open book. What are the major life lessons I have learned so far? What have others learned? How can we all benefit from this? I mean everyone. Regardless of background, faith,culture, political leaning, whether one likes skim milk or not, there has to be a standard of inter-living ability and quality we all can share with each other and be happy. And dare I say be there for each other. We have to believe this is possible. I'm not writing about how do we create another Hands Across America, however wouldn't it make sense to create a living document, based upon collective life lessons, experience and sensibilities? If nothing else, I want to pass a minimal "how to" based lessons for my three children. I have realized this more than ever the last 4 years.

So from time to time, I post and share to friends, family and complete strangers ideas and ideals I think make life worth living. All are welcome to comment, make new suggestions and criticisms to these ideas. I realize there is a lot of fluff out in the internet community and this may indeed qualify as fluff, but sometimes you just have to pause and reflect on your life and what you do with it. I am a father, and a teacher who has made a huge share of mistakes in my life. I want to at least learn from them and if at all possible correct some of them. As this writing project changes, I too hope to change. I would love if anyone wants to be part of this. Thanks for considering.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The start

As with any project or idea, there is always some sort of beginning or purpose or mission statement that begins the so-called journey. I am at the metaphorical cross roads of my life. I have a lot of miles behind me. Some good, some bad. Hopefully, more miles are coming my way. I have decided that I wanted to either openly journal, or write a book, produce something that can validate my life, help others, and learn from others (particularly men and even women) what do you do when you reach midlife? What do you do if you feel burn out or uncertainty? How do you move forward with even more purpose and vigor? It's like that moment in that that Jerry Maguire movie, where the main character had this epiphany and he just had to share his vision with co-workers, no matter the cost. When he does throw it out there for others to read and absorb, he is quickly removed and ridiculed from the majority. I'm not sure it will end up like that, but when you go through major life, family and career changes, like many of us do, you either are or are not a willing student and participant. So with this blog, I want to benefit from a collective voice and feel to basically learn and reflect from my mistakes, successes and questions. I know that others will have much more to offer me than I do to others. As Neil Peart wrote, "The point of the journey is not to arrive."